Adams Bridge and Adams Web not communicating

Adams Bridge and Adams Web not communicating


Adams Bridge is running but doesn't export or process files.


In order for Adams Bridge and Adams Web to communicate the URL's, user names and IP's need to be the same.

  1. To verify the URL's, look in the Adams Bridge status window for the Adams Web URL used by Bridge and compare that to the URL in the browser's address bar for Adams Web
    1. Both URL's should be fully qualified
    2. The Bridge's Adams Web URL comes from the Central Configuration
    3. Be sure the Adams Web server is in the Local Intranet sites list (Microsoft KB 303650)
  2. Verify the user name in the Adams Bridge status window is the same user logged into Adams Web
  3. To verify the IP's match, you'll need to enable verbose logging for Adams Web and look in the debuglog.txt file for the IP used

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