Non-ASCII Characters in Help Text

Non-ASCII Characters in Help Text


If a database has non-standard characters in the asset_folder_type table (due to Greek, Cyrillic or other non-ascii characters), the help text outputted to the console with special characters and question marks only in the /foldertype section.  This is due from the folder type list being pulled from the DB and the Folder Types in the DB have non-ascii characters.  So these characters are being displayed to the console through the help text.

As seen in the Digital Acquire CL Help.txt file:
/foldertype       The specified folder type.  Options are: Case, Incident, etc.

As seen from the cmd or PowerShell console with Greek:
/foldertype       The specified folder type.  Options are: Case, Incident, ?στ?????, πε??στατ???


The issue is with the cmd/powershell settings and how it is displaying the non-ascii characters.

For both cmd and powershell two changes have to be made to see non-ascii characters correctly:

  1. Change the font to Lucida
  2. Enter the command: chcp 65001 (This changes the code page to Unicode)

See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/388490/unicode-characters-in-windows-command-line-how

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