How to Manually Remove an Application
This article explains how to manually remove an application when the uninstaller will not remove it. For example, if an installation program won't install because it says a version is already installed but that version does not show in the Programs and Features or the uninstaller fails, then use these steps.
These steps require manually editing the registry which can corrupt the user's system.Therefore, it is a good idea to create a system restore point and possibly a system backup before editing the registry. Then, if something goes wrong during the editing process, you can restore their system.
- Remove the application from the registry as follows:
a. Run regedit.exe
b. For 32-bit applications on a 64-bit OS:
i. Go to: KEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products
Right click > Find
enter the name of the Foray product (e.g. Foray Health Check)
Find Next
Verify the key found is under the correct path by looking at the status bar. If not the correct path, then the key was not found.
Right click on the application's guid > Delete
Search again under this key to verify all instances are gone.
ii. Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
Right click > Find
enter the name of the Foray product (e.g. Foray Health Check)
Find Next
Verify the key found is under the correct path by looking at the status bar. If not the correct path, then the key was not found.
Right click on the application's guid > Delete
Search again under this key to verify all instances are gone.
c. For 32-bit applications on a 32-bit OS AND 64-bit applications on a 64-bit OS:
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
Right click > Find
enter the name of the Foray product (e.g. Foray Health Check)
Find Next
Verify the key found is under the correct path by looking at the status bar. If not the correct path, then the key was not found.
Right click on the application's guid > Delete
Search again under this key to verify all instances are gone.
2. Delete the files from the installation directory.
3. Refresh Programs and Features and verify the product no longer shows
4. For services such as Acquisition Service, if the service was not removed from the services list, then follow these steps to manually remove it.
a. Open a command prompt window running as Administrator
b. Type the following replacing <service name> and press enter
sc.exe stop "<service name>"
The <service name> can be found on the service's Properties in the Services list. For example:
Services > Foray Acquisition Service (64-bit) > Right Click > Properties > Service Name
If the service is already stopped, then it will say so.
c. Type the following replacing <service name> and press enter
sc.exe delete "<service name>
If these steps succeeded, then the service should no longer show in the Services list.
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