How to Configure List Values
How to Configure List Values
Most values that appear in drop-down lists throughout Adams can be configured by the agency. This document covers the values available for configuration as well as how to add and remove values.
How to Add and Remove Values
- Run Digital Workplace - This application can be found in the Start Menu if it has been installed on your machine.
- Tools => Options - Open the Options window by clicking on the Tools menu and then selecting Options...
- Options panels - Options are grouped by type and listed on the left hand side of the Options window. Some can be expanded to reveal sub-sections by clicking the Plus (+) next to the title.
- Select the type of list you want to edit, ex: Agencies.
- From here you can Add and Remove individual items or Import a file with multiple items.
NOTE: To import items from a file put one item on each line in a text file. - Add - Place the cursor in the text field below the list, enter the item, click Add.
- Remove - Select the item in the list you would like to remove, Click Remove.
- Import - Click Import From File, select the file with the items in the Open dialog, click OK.
- Save - To save the values to the database click OK in the Options Window.
Configurable Lists of Values
Following are the lists that can be configured and what they are used for.
- Agencies - Used to track when an agency or precinct other than the primary one has provided the evidence. These can be pre-loaded but do not have to be as the can be entered by the user while acquiring evidence. Appears as "Contributing Agency" in Digital Acquire.
- Asset
- Captured By - Tracks who took the photo, recorded the video, scanned the image, etc. These can be pre-loaded but do not have to be as the can be entered by the user while acquiring evidence.
- Categories - Used to organize and control access to assets. This facilitates both filtering assets when viewing as well as controlling who is or isn't allowed to access an asset.
- Evidence Processing - These lists are deprecated and only used for legacy installations.
- Captured By - Tracks who took the photo, recorded the video, scanned the image, etc. These can be pre-loaded but do not have to be as the can be entered by the user while acquiring evidence.
- Asset Folder
- Crimes - Used for documentation and to control access to Asset Folders. This is the primary crime associated with the case. Who is or isn't allowed access to an Asset Folder can be controlled based on the Crime type assigned.
- Related Id Types - These are Ids other than the primary Folder Number (ex: Case number) assigned to the Asset Folder. For example a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) Id or a Computed Aided Dispatch (CAD) number.
- Types - The Adams system supports having multiple Asset Folder types. The default folder types are Case and Incident. There can be a single type or multiple types. Some agencies use a type for internal investigation, one for parking tickets, etc. Folder Numbers must be unique within each Asset Folder Type. Each Type needs its own two character prefix associated with it.
- Crimes - Used for documentation and to control access to Asset Folders. This is the primary crime associated with the case. Who is or isn't allowed access to an Asset Folder can be controlled based on the Crime type assigned.
- Property & Evidence
- Analysis Types - Types of forensic analysis that can be performed on a piece of physical evidence. This is used to mark a piece of physical evidence as needing forensic analysis.
- Damaged Package Types - Indicates how a package, containing physical evidence, was damaged. This is frequently used during an Inventory Audit to flag items as having damaged packaging so they can be re-packaged.
- Property Group Types - Indicate why physical evidence is being submitted. Ex: Collected, Seized, Forfeited, etc.
- Property Item Categories - Indicates the type of physical evidence. In addition to determining other date fields available (ex: Make, Model, Serial Number) the Category is used to aid in retention and disposal. Ex: Firearms, Cash, Green Vegetable Matter.
- Package Types - The container that the physical evidence is stored in. Ex: Brown Bag, Gun Box, Sexual Assault Kit.
- Storage Location Types - Each location in the Storage Hierarchy has a type associated with it. Ex: Bin, fridge, locker, etc.
- User Options
- Email Address Types - When entering information for a person, such as from whom evidence was collected, a type is associated with any email addresses that are entered. Ex: Personal, Work.
- Genders - The gender of the person for whom information is being entered, such as from whom evidence is being collected.
- Phone Number Types - When entering information for a person, such as from whom evidence was collected, a type is associated with any phone numbers that are entered. Ex: Mobile, Home, Work.
- Races - The race/ethnicity of the person for whom information is being entered, such as from whom evidence is being collected.
- State Abbreviations - Used when entering addresses.
- Email Address Types - When entering information for a person, such as from whom evidence was collected, a type is associated with any email addresses that are entered. Ex: Personal, Work.
- Analysis Types - Types of forensic analysis that can be performed on a piece of physical evidence. This is used to mark a piece of physical evidence as needing forensic analysis.
- Requests
- Request Priorities - Requests are assigned a priority and assist in managing request queues.
- Request Priorities - Requests are assigned a priority and assist in managing request queues.
- User Rights Management
- Groups - Groups are used to control access to features and data. Each group must also exist in the Directory Server (ex: Active Directory). Privileges are then assigned to a group and users gain the privilege by being a member of the group.
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