ODBC Data Source for use with Crystal Reports and PostgreSQL
ODBC Data Source for use with Crystal Reports and PostgreSQL
To use reports written with Crystal Reports and PostgreSQL an ODBC data source is required.
*MS SQL Server does not require an ODBC data source to be set up.
AdamsWeb automatically installs the PostgreSQL ODBC drivers. It also installs a default ODBC data source named ForayAdams.
This ForayAdams data source may be all you need. If the following three requirements are met then there is nothing more to do.
- PostgreSQL is running on the same machine as AdamsWeb.
- PostgreSQL is using port 5432.
- The database being connected to is named ForayAdams. *(No longer true as of the 4.6 release)
If any of these three are not true then do the following.
- Open the ODBC Data Source Administrator by typing ODBC in the Start menu search field and selecting "32-bit Data Source (ODBC)". On 32 bit systems this will not have the "32-bit" in front.
- On a 64 bit system if you only see one ODBC listing in the Start menu then run: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
- Click on System DSN
- Select ForayAdams and click Configure...
- If the database being access is not named ForayAdams then change both the name of the Data Source and the Database name to be the same as the database name. Ex: If the database is named ForayAdamsTest in pgAdmin then set both the Data Source and Database fields to ForayAdamsTest.
- If PostgreSQL is not running on the same machine as AdamsWeb then enter the database server's name in the Server field.
- If PostgreSQL is not using port 5432 then enter the port being used in the Port field.
- Test the connection by entering the foraydbadmin User Name and Password and clicking test.
- The pg_hba.conf may need to be modified to allow the connection.
- Click Save.
- Click OK.
- Test in AdamsWeb (pool restart not required).
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