ODBC Data Source for use with Crystal Reports and PostgreSQL
To use reports written with Crystal Reports and PostgreSQL an ODBC data source is required.
*MS SQL Server does not require an ODBC data source to be set up.
AdamsWeb automatically installs the PostgreSQL ODBC drivers. It also installs a default ODBC data source named ForayAdams.
This ForayAdams data source may be all you need. If the following three requirements are met then there is nothing more to do.
- PostgreSQL is running on the same machine as AdamsWeb.
- PostgreSQL is using port 5432.
- The database being connected to is named ForayAdams. *(No longer true as of the 4.6 release)
If any of these three are not true then do the following.
- Open the ODBC Data Source Administrator by typing ODBC in the Start menu search field and selecting "32-bit Data Source (ODBC)". On 32 bit systems this will not have the "32-bit" in front.
- On a 64 bit system if you only see one ODBC listing in the Start menu then run: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
- Click on System DSN
- Select ForayAdams and click Configure...
- If the database being access is not named ForayAdams then change both the name of the Data Source and the Database name to be the same as the database name. Ex: If the database is named ForayAdamsTest in pgAdmin then set both the Data Source and Database fields to ForayAdamsTest.
- If PostgreSQL is not running on the same machine as AdamsWeb then enter the database server's name in the Server field.
- If PostgreSQL is not using port 5432 then enter the port being used in the Port field.
- Test the connection by entering the foraydbadmin User Name and Password and clicking test.
- The pg_hba.conf may need to be modified to allow the connection.
- Click Save.
- Click OK.
- Test in AdamsWeb (pool restart not required).
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