Workstation install of Digital Admin
These instructions are for installing the thick client applications for Adams Update Service and Digital Admin, version 6.1.x or higher.
Before You Begin
HTTPS -Ā Foray ADAMS now requires an HTTPS (SSL/TLS) certificate. This must be installed and configured on the Foray ADAMS server.
Unencrypted Secrets File - The server will have generated both a Secrets.config file and a corresponding Secrets_Unencrypted.config file. This Unencrypted version of the secrets file will be needed to configure any machine that ADAMS applications are installed on.
Locate both the correct version of the installation files and the Secrets_Unencrypted.config before beginning.
All steps must be completed in order for the applications to run properly
Install Steps
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the installers located on the server
Typically this would be ā\\myserver.mydomain\c$ā
Install Configure Adams
Do not copy the installer to the local machine, as the Prerequisites folder contains additional installers that may be required
Right click on āConfigure Adams Setup.exeā and choose āRun as administratorā
Follow the prompts to install the program on the local machine
An additional program will be installed automatically called āConfigure Clientā
From the Start menu, run the application āConfigure Clientā
In the top panel, type in the URL using the FQDN of the server running Adams Admin
Typically this would be āhttps://myservername.mydomainname/AdamsAdminā
Click on āTestā to ensure the URL is correct
Click on āBrowseā and navigate to the location of the Secrets_Unencrypted.config file
It is NOT recommended to copy this file to the local machine!
Click on OK
If successful, data will be read from Adams Admin and displayed
Install Adams Update Service
Do not copy the installer to the local machine, as the Prerequisites folder contains additional installers that may be required
Right click on āAdams Update Service Setup.exeā and choose āRun as administratorā
Follow the prompts to install the program on the local machine
Install Digital Admin
Do not copy the installer to the local machine, as the Prerequisites folder contains additional installers that may be required
Right click on āDigital Admin Setup.exeā and choose āRun as administratorā
Follow the prompts to install the program on the local machine
Update access to run applications (for users without local Administrator rights)
From the Start menu, run the application āConfigure Clientā
Click on āKeysā
Enter the desired User or Group (AD name) and click on āGrant Accessā
Test applications
Final stepā¦clean up
Uninstall application āConfigure Adamsā
Delete local copy of Secrets_Unencrypted.config file !!
Done. Lather, rinse, repeat on next workstation.
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