Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



When the assets captured by Adams Upload do not appear in Adams Web, check the following.



  • If trying to register the phone, using the phone's browser, is Adams Admin accessible (e.g. https://<servername>/AdamsAdmin)?  Try refresh.

  • Registered? (see Info page)

  • last successful connection time recent? (see Info page)  If not, or it failed, then try to access the Device Gateway url in the browser (see below)

  • Device Gateway url is correct? (see Info page)  If not, change

    in Digital Workplace > Tools > Options > Acquisition > Mobile

    in Adams Admin > Mobile > Edit > Device Gateway Server, restart Adams Admin and re-register the phone.

  • Is Device Gateway accessible?

    • Using the phone's browser, going


      to https://<servername>/devicegateway/api/Upload/Config


       should show a page stating "The requested resource does not support http method 'GET'."

  • Scene closed?

  • Does Adams Upload have a bubble with a number? If so, Asset transmission has not completed.

Device Gateway server

  • Server is available?

    • Using a browser on a computer that should have access to Device Gateway server, going to https://<servername>/devicegateway/api/Upload/Config should show a page stating "The requested resource does not support http method 'GET'."

  • Event viewer errors?

  • Files appearing in DeviceGatewayUploads directory or metadata subdirectory? 

    • If so, then the phone is communicating with the server successfully. 

    • If not, then is Repository owner and Device Gateway app pool user on DeviceGatewayUploads directory?

    • If the metadata directory has files with the suffix _DONE.json, then check Acquisition Service. 

    • If there are no _DONE.json files, then check the connection between the phone and the Device Gateway server and enable Device Gateway logging.

  • Enable logging (web.nlog and create Logs directory) to see what communication if any is happening

  • Server TLS/SSL Certificate Requirements

Acquisition Service

  • Running? (see Configure Acquisition Service)

  • Mobile Acquisition enabled? (see Configure Acquisition Service)

  • Watch folder is DeviceGatewayUploads path (use UNC notation to share if on another machine)?

  • Files appearing in DeviceGatewayUploads\metadata directory with _DONE suffix?  If files without suffix, then transmission is not completing.  See Device Gateway service logging and Restart section.

Adams Admin > Application Status > Adams Upload application for the Device

  • Action = UploadFirstFragment?  If not, see the Device Gateway logs.

  • Last communication date/time is when the scene was closed or more recent?  If not, then see the Device Gateway logs.


  • Adams Upload

  • Router


Filter by label (Content by label)


cqllabel = "adams-upload" and type = "page" and space = "FS"

Page Properties

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