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The web application is inaccessible and the Windows error log shows this or a similar ASP.NET error.

[FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly '<dll name>, Version=#.#.#.#, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=' or one of its dependencies. Unverifiable code failed policy check. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131402)]


Tools for identifying the reason for this error.


  1. at command line prompt running as administrator: IISReset


Make sure the trust level for the web application is "Full".

For example, for Adams Admin:

IIS > Server > Sites > Default Web Site > Adams Admin > .NET Trust Levels > Full

Select Apply

Other tools that help when an assembly cannot be loaded.

  1. Fuslogvw - shows where assemblies are found during the load process
  2. Process Monitor - helps find missing dependencies
    1. Filters:
      1. Process Name = w3wp.exe
      2. Path ends with <name of dll>
    2. Helpful article
  3. Security Policies for application pool user and machine
    1. Local Security Policy
    2. gpresult /s localhost /z
  4. check memory and processor availability
  5. Process Explorer - use on a machine that works to see the dependencies for the failing DLLshows assemblies loaded for a process
    1. View > Select columns > Process Image > User Name
    2. View > Select columns > .NET > Assemblies
    3. Select w3wp.exe process > right click > Properties > .NET Assemblies

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ( "iis" , "adams-web" , "adams-admin" ) and type = "page" and space = "FS"
labelsadams-web adams-admin iis
