To add an application or "bat" file for all users:

click on the start button
type "run", then "shell:common startup"
this will open windows explorer to the location for all users on that machine
copy the *.bat file into that location
close all windows and log off of machine
log onto machine and the new mapped drive should be present

Sample for netuse bat file

open notepad and compose command and arguments
type "net use z: \\computername\share name"
save it with a recognizable name "mount AFIS share.bat"

Detailed Net Use Command Syntax

net use [{devicename | *}] [\\computername\sharename[\volume] [{password | *}]] [/user:[domainname\]username] [/user:[dotteddomainname\]username] [/user:[username@dotteddomainname] [/home {devicename | *} [{password | *}]] [/persistent:{yes | no}] [/smartcard] [/savecred] [/delete] [/help] [/?]

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