
If Windows is not set to view file extensions then Photoshop will not add an extension when saving to a new format.


When processing RAW image files from Digital Workplace using Photoshop this will cause the processed TIFF image to not be acquired.

Here are the steps to enable viewing of extensions in Windows.

In Windows XP:

1. Go in to My Computer.
2. Click on Tools and then Folder Options.
3. Click on the View tab.
4. Click on the box next to Hide extensions for known file types to remove the check mark.
5. Click on OK.
6. Close My Computer.

In Windows 7:

1. Go in to Control Panel.
2. Click Appearance and Personalization.
3. Click Folder Options.
3. Click on the View tab.
4. Click on the box next to Hide extensions for known file types to remove the check mark.
5. Click on OK.

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