
It appears that Photoshop (ver. CS4-CC) is saving all of the history of a RAW image into the history of the last image when viewing the XMP viewer on a batch of processed RAW images. When a user opens the history using the XMP viewer of a .tif created from the RAW, the history will not display unless the user knows to select the last image of the batch. This is very confusing for the user, as they might not know the last image in the set and there is no other information to tell the user about this protocol. It seems that when there are multiple images opened at the same time, the XMP history will display the details of changes in one of the image’s history. The .xmp file will contain the correct history for each image, but the XMP viewer doesn’t display these histories properly.


Describe how someone would solve the problem in a short, step-by-step guide:

  1. In Photoshop, click Open and select a set of RAW images. (NOTE: You can also select RAW images from Windows Explorer and Drag & Drop into Photoshop to get the same results.)
  2. In the RAW editing screen (Camera Raw 6.7), select each image and white balance.
  3. Click Select All button.
  4. Click Open Images.
  5. On each image, hit Ctrl-l (to adjust the levels on the photo): - Click Auto (in Levels) - Click OK (This is where the issue might be. Case 0185811810 submitted to Adobe)
  6. From Tools, select Image > Mode > Grayscale.
  7. Save as a .TIF file on all files.
  8. Close all images after saving .tifs.
  9. Open each of these images' .tif and look at the History tab in the XMP Viewer (Alt-Shift-Ctrl-I).
  10. Note that the first five .tif Histories do not contain the raw data, but the last one does.
  11. Also, the order in which the edits and saves were made, and the order in which the .tifs are opened does not seem to matter, as the last .tifs' History contains the edits made to all of the RAW images.

RAW History will be displayed in all of the images in the following scenarios:

When opening multiple RAW images from the command line: photoshop.exe  image 1 image 2 image 3
From Digital Workplace selecting multiple RAW images
When processing RAW images one at a time and not in a batch.

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