Run wacs.exe with admin privileges from the permanent location
M - Create certificate (full options)
2 - Manual input
Enter the server’s public FQDN (ex: myserver.myorg.com)
Friendly name: Enter the server’s public FQDN (ex: myserver.myorg.com) The default name has “[Manual]” which will cause issues.
4 - Single certificate
2 - [http] Serve verification files from memory
2 - RSA
4 - Windows Certificate Store (Local Computer)
2 - [My] - General computer store (for Exchange/RDS)
5 - No (additional) store steps
1 - Create or update bindings in IIS
1 - Default Web Site
3 - No (additional) installation steps
N - Open in default application
Y - Do you agree with the terms
Enter an email address for notifications about problems and abuse
N Y - Do you want to specify the user the task will run as
Use a local administrator account. The default is System. When the task runs as System the private key is not exportable.
Q - Quit
At this point, the certificate should be in the server's certificate store and an IIS binding for port 443 using the certificate and the host name should have been created. The certificate will be setup to auto renew every 30 days.