- Identify the Certificate Authority (CA) - If you need to setup Microsoft Certificate Services the following links may help:
- If you don't have Active Directory - http://www.isaserver.org/img/upl/vpnkitbeta2/installstandaloneca.htm
- If you have Active Directory - http://www.isaserver.org/img/upl/vpnkitbeta2/installenterpriseca.htm
- Install the Certificate - Request and install a certificate for the website under which the application will run. See: How How to Get a Certificate from an internal CA
- The certificate must be created for a website (ex: Default Web Site) not the virtual directory for the web application.
- A Bit length of 2048 is recommended.
- The website (ex: Default Web Site) does not have to be set to require SSL. That can be set on the virtual directory for the web application.
- See this Microsoft KB article for more information: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/299875